Friday, November 23, 2012
Crazy last couple of days
Ive worked out several of the bugs in the game and I have been working on adding a whole new soundtrack to spice up the levels (which are now up to 20 BTW).
The time for beta is growing near.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Working on levels
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Going to jam tonight.
Tonight I'm going to hopefully take out a bunch of levels, I think the final game will have somewhere around 30 levels. I want there to be a lot but at the same time I want them all to feel fresh to some extent.
I really need figure out the collision system with the buttons etc. And level eight is still broken. If I don't make the buttons press able indeed to explain shooting on level 3 instead of 2 or switch them?
I also really need to work out an options menu where you can change sensitivity and maybe some control options.
I'm also considering a PC build but that is something I'll think about in the future.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Things to do:
ways to change layout
controller support?
Room idea
Oh yeah, i almost forgot:
Square three future
Friday, November 16, 2012
Screen shot dump
I'm really working on flushing out a final design for the levels here. This is probably the third major iteration of the level design. Its just a straight forward "reach the door at the end of the level to progress" design. I'm trying to keep it minimalist and keep the game play quick and to the point.
Working on a name...
I'm torn between "Run Rabbit Run" (which has nothing to do with anything) and "Nex" (which also has nothing to do with anything but sounds kind of like vex.).
Friday, November 9, 2012
continual sound!
work on the matrix!
The game REALLY needs to save how amny stars you have, your settings and what
The Matrix
looks like it is turning into more of an over world type level.
End goal, I really need to start working on What this is going to look like in a finished state. Keep my eyes on the big picture here. I need this to be done in less than a month.